The Coach John Jenkins Foundation began with a series of fortunate forward moves through my ongoing coaching career. My lifelong childhood dreams and goal of playing pro football and / or pro baseball after my college career with the Arkansas Razorbacks shifted to a burning desire to return to my home state of Texas and coach high school football at the highest level of competitive classification.

My high school coach, who had legendary rare success, was the greatest impact on this earth in my life. Coach Swede Lee riding into Pampa, Texas at semester of my sophomore year in high school was larger than life to me, along with all of us who performed for him. He had already been a proven successful major college coach at the University of Oklahoma. He along with the dynamic personality of my college coach, Frank Broyles, impacted me incredibly as far as acquiring the great desire to eventually coach football myself. These two coaches, along with the high character quality assistants that they had in place during my times with them, were tremendous role models for me.

Moving quickly into the top high school ranks in Texas, as well as the football rich Texas - Arkansas border town of Texarkana, enabled me to gain valuable experience as a young offensive coordinator and then defensive coordinator for two outstanding head coaches who I had a previous connection with. Coach Buddy Williams and Coach Jim White put their trust in me and in return, I poured my heart and soul into helping them both become highly successful head high school coaches. While serving them in Nacogdoches, Texas and in Texarkana, USA I also became involved in a few community causes and charities as well as a number of Christian based organizations, such as the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which I had remained a part of from my playing career.

Arkansas High School, in Texarkana, Arkansas in the mid 1970's had developed into one of the most powerful and dynamic high school programs in the entire nation, due to the brilliant coaching and " turnaround magic " of Coach Swede Lee. Coach Lee essentially produced a top major college football program there in Texarkana, on the high school level. 3 straight state championships produced by Coach Lee and then it was back to the major college football scene for him. His chief assistant, offensive coordinator, Jim White, was named head coach by Coach Lee upon his move back to the major college ranks. Coach White lured me away from my " endless offensive passion " to join him as his Asst. Head Coach and Defensive Coordinator ; a move that I found to be incredibly valuable for my eventual return to offense, years later. While serving this top ranked established great Arkansas High School program I got involved in a few community projects, as mentioned previously. Outside of my football and track coaching I was encouraged by the school administration to oversee the noon school lunch program. Therefore, I was able to learn the names and got to personally know virtually every student in this program at our school. I constantly talked and visited with these young students about the importance of eventually becoming responsible to work their way off of this " free lunch " line. They all agreed with me and it stimulated me to use a platform for one of my essential speeches that I have made a number of times over the years to varied schools, companies, major corporations, churches, etc ———- a motivational speech that I entitled, " Their Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch In Life ".

Coach Jim White, the head coach at Arkansas High in Texarkana, and I often talked with each other about what a dream it was to be a part of this dynamic nationally recognized high school football program. Yet I got the " fever " to move on, progress along and eventually coach on the major college level. Being a so - called " Liason " for the high number of college coaches and recruiters while I was at Nacogdoches and Texarkana ignited this strong new desire for me to enter into college coaching. Newly appointed head coach at the University of Arkansas, Lou Holtz, made this happen for me. Apparently, upon his arrival, he made it clear that in addition to his veteran group of coordinators and seasoned experienced position coaches he also wanted to make a statement to the region's high school coaches by hiring an aggressive, young coach out of the Arkansas high school ranks, giving him a start in college football. I am sure that with the urging of my former head coach, Frank Broyles, always having the iconic Swede Lee in my corner, as well as some exceptional Frank Broyles assistants, Don Breaux and Harold Horton ( who were also previous top assistants of mine from when I played there ) certainly created a major break in my young career with high recommendations of me to Coach Lou Holtz. My previous experience as the Asst. Head Coach and Defensive Coordinator for Coach Jim White had a lot to do with me being hired as a defensive back coach, working alongside defensive coordinator, Monte Kiffin, as well as veteran top secondary coach, Bobby Cope, veteran linebacker coach from Coach Broyles' staff, Harold Horton. Much like myself was another youthful coach hired at this time, John Mitchell. He had been one of Bear Bryant's first outstanding African - American players at Alabama, as well as being a holdover as a student - assistant after he finished his eligibility, in completing his degree. This defensive staff assembly was an exceptional one. It clearly expanded and opened my mind further to more defensive strategies that I would become fully aware of in the future, particularly when I would eventually return to the offensive side and begin shaping and molding my own personally designed offenses in attacking the more advanced defenses of that current era.

Outside of our own universities internal group of Fellowship of Christian Athletes group there at the U. Of Arkansas, doing some appearances at the Arkansas' Children's Hospital, in Little Rock, Arkansas and executing a few youth football camps my outside time for charitable work was very limited due to pouring all of our time in getting this new program moving forward. Moving forward we did, as a collective group of new coaches and players. We came close to winning a national championship there. Our 2 year back to back record at Arkansas, during my time coaching there, was an eye - popping 20 - 3 - 1.

This quick turnaround success propelled me to quickly join another one of my all - Time great mentors, Coach Emory Bellard, as he took the Mississippi State job prior to the 1979 season. Coach Bellard, father of the Wishbone Offense, had personally recruited me when he was the offensive mastermind at the University of Texas, working alongside head coach, Darrell Royal, although I signed with the Arkansas Razorbacks. Regardless, I always continued my professional relationship with Coach Bellard, as he always knew of my desire and passion to one day coach football, once my playing career came to an end.

Our entry at Mississippi State was accentuated by not only recruiting a great class of top talented players, but by executing an abundance of promotional football camps around the state of Mississippi for grade school kids ——- a great number of underprivileged young kids ; something that impacts me heavily in my soul, heart and mind still, is that in being able to create life changing experiences for little kids as well as my experienced players.

Coaching for Emory Bellard at Mississippi State was indeed a terrific experience and chief highlight in my life and career ; an exceptional coach and person who I learned many things regarding football, as well as in life from.

Very much as in identical fashion to my previous experience in coaching the Arkansas Razorbacks, as a new excited group of assistant coaches in the power - packed SEC, we were not expected to climb out of the downtrodden second division of the conference at any sudden point. Yet in our 2nd season, led by a true freshman ( but very mature ) QB, John Bond, we broke a 29 game win streak of Bear Bryant's Alabama team, denying them a 3rd straight national title in 1980 by defeating them at our capital stadium in Jackson, Mississippi. This turnaround, powerful season was one of the great memorable moments, and remains today, in Mississippi State football history.

Reflecting back to our entry season of 1979, in which we were laying a solid foundation in becoming a national power I recall vividly, leaving a home baseball game and noticed an elderly gentleman, all alone, leaving the game, slowing headed towards his car. He was decked out in his MSU colors, maroon & white, so I struck up a friendly conversation, introducing myself in getting to know some of the die- hard loyal MSU Bulldog fans. His spirits picked up immediately after I explained that I was one of the new assistant football coaches under Coach Emory Bellard. He and I became quick acquaintances and then close friends as the years would pass.

I was totally unaware initially that this elderly fellow, who I was simply friendly to, no different than any ordinary fan, turned out to be a significant senior senator of the State of Mississippi, named John C. Stennis. Also, little did I know that Senator Stennis eventually began working behind the scenes in nominating me for inductions into groups such as " Personalities of the South ", the National Jaycees " Outstanding Young Men of America ", varied speaking engagements to varied companies, churches, schools, etc. This public speaking platform that Senator Stennis launched me into began to give me full realization that there were a great deal of people around the state of Mississippi, the nation and the world who were very much less fortunate than me ; people who were very much interested in my successful work ethic, my dedication, my willpower, the ingredients of my success at this early juncture of my life ; rare ingredients of my life that they also wanted to incorporate into their own lifestyle, as well as for their associates in their workplaces.

A big lesson in life to be aware of here ( that many people of all ages ignore ) is that it does not cost a damn penny to take time to visit with somebody at length, showing interest in their life and it does not cost a damn penny to be friendly and nice to others. For good things will surely come to those if you continually help others get what they want, provided that they are deserving. As a team I have always heavily emphasized that it is amazing what you can accomplish as an entire team if you do not care who gets the credit. As these years pass by much can be acknowledged about many of these outstanding - exceptional teams that I have been a part of and the non - selfish attitudes of all of the concerned players that made them so great.

Again, little did I know when I went out of my way to initially say hello and strike up a friendly conversation with this elderly gentleman after a baseball game that Mr. John C. Stennis was one of the greatest statesmen of the 20th century ; an individual who was so highly respected and admired in Washington, the nation and particularly back home in his state of Mississippi. Throughout his 40 plus years in the nation's capital he was tough and firm in what he believed in and he was always looking out for what was best for his state of Mississippi as his first priority.

The legacy of this southern gentleman will always remain strong and solid throughout the state of Mississippi as his name is firmly planted on numerous projects throughout Mississippi. From the John Stennis Space Center on the gulf coast, the naval air station in Midwest Mississippi, the waterway system in north Mississippi to all points in between he was responsible for helping improve and enrich the lives of his fellow Mississippians.

My " extra duties " in coaching college football was that of executing NFL & CFL Liason service for the many incoming scouts and coaches in pro football. This service for these dedicated individuals enabled me to develop many top professional relationships with these pros and enabled me to travel, on my vacation days, to their facilities and headquarters and talk - learn more about the varied methods of coaching that would come from these veteran, distinguished pro coaches and scouts. This is something in my life that has never ceased. The constant football strategies and football method explorations of coaches on the pro, college and top legendary high school coaches will always continue to be examined on my part. For this learning from them has stimulated many of the advanced ideas of my own, in order to stay ahead of the " roadblocks " that could have nullified my efforts, known as offensive and defensive " cycles ". Additionally, I would also learn from a few of them, many of the creative good - will community projects that they were involved in.

My entry into pro football coaching came during December of 1983 with the Houston Gamblers of the original USFL and it had me establishing my first 501 - C - 3 organization called " Children's Keep-Safe " ; an emergency effort due to a young child in Houston who had suddenly gone missing from her family, in being kidnapped, throwing all parents throughout Houston, the southwest and the nation into a panic mode. This organization was able to greatly assist parents in the complimentary and voluntary production of identification tags, photo id's and labels for their children, something that was very uncommon, unexpected, yet very much needed, evidently, in the mid 1980's.

Joining Coach Jack Pardee, another exceptional head coach and person to work for, turned out to be another tremendous break in my career. Here was another first class person to associate myself with. As an all - pro linebacker for the legendary, Coach George Allen, at the Rams and Redskins, Jack was a top " cerebral " type player ; one who from the " neck - up " was hard to outfox and beat. As a coach, Jack was always a young, at heart, defensive guru ; a guy who, as a head coach, was still eaten - up with the intricate strategies of defensive football. He would tactfully delegate to his special teams and offensive coordinators throughout his career, allowing them to do their job, while he would continue to " live " on the defensive side, serving as an additional defensive coordinator, himself. It is no surprise that he was acknowledged as the Coach Of the Year in just about every league that he was a head coach in. My professional relationship with Coach Jack Pardee was that of quick profound respect and admiration and this relationship would grow and always maintained itself throughout the years in serving him. He and I were both students of the game and I quickly discovered that he became very reliant and completely trusting of my " out of the box " trailblazing offensive methods. He had also once hired the legendary Sid Gillman ( known as the Father of the Modern Day Passing Game ) as his offensive coordinator. He wasn't afraid to go outside the standard box. Therefore, Coach Pardee's trust in my " innovative ideas " were well calculated in his own mind. While we would spend many hours talking about varied aspects of football he never, not once, told me what play to run or what direction he desired for me to go in. I suppose if we were getting our ass whipped repeatedly, in getting out scored, he might have had a long list of offensive suggestions, but again, not one time did he show me something that he had designed himself offensively and instructed me to run it. As a result, I always poured my heart and soul into doing the very best job for him that I possibly could. Later in our career together he was quoted in saying that I was the very best coach that he had ever been associated with ; a statement that obviously continued to keep me very loyal and proud of our long association together. Our years together with the Houston Gamblers, the New Jersey Generals, the University of Houston, the Houston Oilers and the Birmingham Barracudas brought much success and many great memories. Off the field he was a very compassionate person and one receptive to me and other coaches being actively involved in worthy causes and charities. Coach Pardee had been a cancer survivor from the mid - 1960's and one who truly appreciated and valued every extra day that the good Lord continued to grant him in his later life. Consequently, I later became a spokesperson for the American Cancer Society.

In Houston and throughout the state of Texas my exposure as a special teams coordinator, offensive coordinator, in being an advanced research director and that of a combination head coach - offensive coordinator brought many opportunities to reach out to the many special worthy causes throughout this nation and the world. Particularly speaking, upon signing my contract to rejoin Coach Pardee on the college level at the University of Houston on December 1st, 1986 I settled into a very comfortable and confident mode of being active for various causes throughout this region, as well as the entire state and nation. Once my offensive design became highly established here, as well as my active players having great rare success, producing nation's long win streaks, establishing an endless list of all - time record breaking superlatives, Heisman winners, All - Americans, etc I began getting an overwhelming number of appearances, speaking requests for me as well as requests for many of my players and assistant coaches. These outpouring of requests would come from varied businesses, top corporations, schools, Christian based churches, hospitals, varied groups, organizations, etc. all looking for the association with me and my current momentum. Consequently, in progressing as my own head coach, I founded the " 2ND EFFORT ORGANIZATION ", which consisted of a voluntary team of myself, assistant coaches, players, all joining in to promote our " good will outreach " throughout the greater Houston area, as well as throughout Texas, nationally and varied areas of international interest.I guess you could say that the " 2nd Effort Organization ", from the late 1980's through the early 1990's was the forerunner of " THE COACH JOHN JENKINS FOUNDATION ".

Again, the rare record - breaking success ( over 300 All - Time NCAA Major College Records ) that my teams and individual players achieved in the late 1980's and early 1990's from the University of Houston had me becoming more and more involved in becoming highly active as well as being a leading spokesperson for many worthy charities, groups and causes. The Children's Hospitals in Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, etc. St. Jude's in Memphis, Tennessee, the Ronald McDonald House in Houston were all of very high concentration for me and my teams. The American Cancer Society, Make A Wish America, The Fellowship of Christian Athletes, etc were also among those of my extra - active involvement.

My move back to pro football in the 1990's, throughout the late 1990's and extending into the new century kept me highly attached to the execution of fun - filled youth camp activities, and all of this became heightened with me serving as the head coach at these stops ; at this juncture International impact was evident throughout North America and abroad in executing varied good - will projects for youths as well as adults , such as motivational speeches, camps, seminars, clinics, etc. The amount of success that I have achieved in playing and coaching has allowed me to have a platform to go to schools, churches, corporate groups and to stage my own events in being able to talk to kids of all ages in changing or helping their loves become better. Another invaluable experience, although a brief one due to an ownership collapse, was that of working alongside another iconic mentor of mine, Coach Forrest Gregg.

Forrest and I had coached against each other, with each other and had an ingrained admiration for each other. Forrest had gained initial superstar status as an all - pro player, being fully declared by the legendary Coach Vince Lombardi as the best player he had ever coached ; an amazing declaration by a coach who many considered as the best in history and a statement being directed to an offensive lineman, which was unheard of, considering all of the talented skilled performers that the NFL Packers possessed during the dynasty run in the 1960s ; truly amazing ! I would develop and maintain a tremendous respect and admiration for Forrest Gregg based on my own experiences with him, regardless of his star- studded playing days.

As a coach and as a person I found this ex offensive lineman to be a unusually classy and as a most refined gentleman, unlike the many crude, coarse, yet colorful personalities often revealed from these offensive line position area ex players. I often joked with him telling him that I often wondered if his sweet wife, Barbara, or his mom and dad were responsible for this 1st class conversion of his. After his long historic run through the NFL, the Canadian Football League and the major college ranks, Forrest Gregg, eventually climbed into the front office in being elevated to the Vice President position of the CFL's Ottawa Renegades in the nations' capital. Hiring me as his General Manager - Head Coach was another breakthrough for me. Being in the nations capital brought much focus on my position, on a national level. Also, in becoming a General Manager - Head Coach in the nations capital brought an expanded awareness of children's hospitals outreach ( as well as other worthy projects ) that became highly magnified across the country of Canada.

Upon the retirement and the eventual passing of my dear college football coach, the legendary Frank Broyles, in 2017, I reached out to his immediate family to begin organizing youth activities throughout the state of Arkansas, in his name. The idea here was to educate the youths of Arkansas, in making them aware of the dynamic life that he had led, so that his legacy would be well remembered throughout the state that he had poured his heart and soul into. He was, in my humble opinion, the most positive impacting person in the history of the state of Arkansas.

Media publicity has continued to reveal my accolades and well decorated career, all the way to this point, as the only coach in football history to establish and re- establish All - Time Offensive Records in American Pro Football, the CFL, as well as Major College Football. However, I always declare that these accomplishments were brought on by all of my great, dedicated players who simply believed strongly in what I believed in. Therefore, a demand for my good will projects, appearances and varied charitable outreach have continued to expand tremendously on the national and international stage. I eventually issued a revision and an appropriate declaration in renaming the foundation as " The Coach John Jenkins Foundation " in 2018. Since this organization was now appropriately named there have continued to be many international, national and local community outreach programs organized and executed in reaching out to others. Much like that of our much publicized " 2nd Effort Organization ", from my many multi - record breaking championship teams of the past, the on - the - field success often draws the attention and genuine interest for other outsiders who want to get involved with you. However, I have never lost sight ( nor will I ever lose sight ) of the fact that it doesn't cost a penny to be nice to someone regardless of your championship belts, rings, and those tremendous wins mounted up.

With over 6 decades ( and counting ) of coaching football for me now it has become glaringly apparent that my greatest satisfaction in coaching remains to be all aspects of the " hands - on " teaching, personal instruction, scouting, personnel discoveries, player development, etc with start - up expansion pro teams, leagues or that of taking on downtrodden, down - and - out dismal college programs ; teams, leagues or organizations that the ordinary outsider would remark that it is an impossible task to take on and achieve success. Being able to accept these more than challenging assignments and accomplish something rare or exceptional, in giving all praise to God, is the greatest of great experiences in my life here on earth. However, the absolute greatest of great experiences for me remains the need of those out there, who are much less fortunate than me, who I can help and assist along their way. As previously mentioned, passing on the life's lessons to others that I have learned over these many years of experiences and seeing others get what they want in life with my help ( so long as they are deserving ) in giving all credit to my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, is the absolute ultimate, in being able to give back.

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